You’ve come a long way.

This course has been filled with coaching, ideas, resources and next steps. Each of the seven modules was built around one key idea.

  1. Make sure your church is guest-friendly.
  2. Get the right people in the right seats.
  3. Clarify your mission and cast a specific vision.
  4. Focus on what really matters and stop doing what isn’t helpful.
  5. Create a consistent, quality church service.
  6. Get the word out to new people and potential attenders.
  7. Recruit volunteers and leaders.

As you look at this list, what area needs the most work?  If one thing jumps out at you, go back to that module and re-watch the videos.  Work exclusively on that opportunity and involve others.

You don’t have to do everything – prayerfully pick the one thing that could make the most difference and camp out there.  Make it your quarterly goal or even your annual goal to get that one thing right.

As always, we are here to help.  Reach out with questions or comments.